Wednesday, 23 December 2015


As in Lesson 2 (and 2B), each word is written in Armenian, followed by the English transliteration and then the meaning.

- գավաթ * kavat * cup
- թեյ * tey * tea
- մահճակալ * mahjagal * bed
- ննջել * nënchel * to sleep (note the unwritten ը sound between the first two letters)
- ննջասենյակ * nënchasenyag * bedroom
- հայր * hayr * father
- մայր * mayr * mother
- եղբայր * yeghpayr * brother
- քոյր * kouyr * sister
- որդի * vorti * son
- տղա * dgha * boy
- դուստր * dousdër * daughter
- աղջիկ * aghchig * girl
- սիրել * sirel * to like/love
- երթալ * yertal * to go
- նավ * nav * ship
- շոգեկառք * shokegarrk * train
- տեսնել * desnel * to see
- գտնել * kdnel * to find (verb)
- հիւանդ * hivant * ill, sick
- հիւանդանոց * hivantanots * hospital
- մեծ * medz * big
- ցուրտ * tsourd * cold
- սեւ * sev * black
- ճիշդ * jisht * true, correct

With Armenian words, the stress is always on the final syllable. If the definite article is added, this is not stressed, but the stress is still placed on the final syllable of the word, before the article, eg. շոգեկառք (shokegarrk - train), շոգեկառքը (shokegarrkë - the train), հիւանդանոց (hivantanots - hospital) հիւանդանոցը (hivantanotsë - the hospital).

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